I had a bird for many years....One morning I got up and it was dead...I cried for weeks and was so upset I couldnt even stand to bury him....I got as far as putting him in a nice box, which I stuck in my freezer because no matter how many times I tried to dig the hole to bury him I couldnt. I REALLY grieved for Noah.....one of my best friends thought it would be best for me to have a new bird....so he bought me one complete with a brand new cage as a surprise.
You have to understand I hate birds, always have...but I came upon Noah at a mall pet store and for some reason could not leave him there, I HAD to buy him. I fell in love with him on the spot and we were inseperable at home.... I felt really obligated to keep the bird my friend bought me, but #1 it wasnt Noah...#2 I resented having to take care of Argyl, the bird must not have been well...he didnt live long (thru not fault of my own, lord knows I did my best to get him better). So, Argyl and Noah ended up in the same box and were put to rest together...
moral of the story....never buy someone a replacement pet, THEY will let people know when they are ready to handle the responsibility of another pet
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!