My first year at uni my hall don gave me some great advice that I used every year of uni. He said to go weekly to the student union, the caf and other lost and founds throughout the school and pick up lost text books, any of them that looked like current editions. Then at the end of the year you go to the school book store and return the books during book-buyback week.
Made some bang on money doing this, about 400-1000 a year. I would just go every now and then to the lost and found, root through the books and save them. Sometimes you would find books that you need for next semster or that friends needed and you could sell. hey i was poor and it was a great way to make an extra buck. not many books were ever claimed it seemed. Since my books were always so expensive I can't believe anyone would ever just leave them behind. I would always check to make sure i had my book on me everytime i left class or studying...etc.
As well, most schools keep a copy of all current text books in the library, you can for some classes go and just photocopy out the parts you need as the semster goes by. Did that for my non elective classes. Not buying a 120$ text book for a class that is not in my major and is one semster long. I also would go halfs with friends. You buy this book, I'll buy that book and share. sorry for the long post. just my ideas, some good, some bad.