My roomate enjoys two things:
1) being a douchebag
2) holding his 3rd grade IQ equivalent test score over my head.
Whenever I don't know something, usually just some random trivia that I ask about, his usual reply is, *in a snobby voice* "I'm a statistical genius." Which always spawns arguments about ACT scores (I whooped his fucking ass by 8 points) and who was part of my (and his) school districts talented and gifted program for 7 years (wait wait...ME!) compared to his 3rd grade IQ equivalency test...a supposed 134. So from my person experience I think IQs are only for the conceited to hold over people who are just simply ignorant of their IQ scores (me); a way for self absorbed folks to reaffirm their divine unalterable greatness, and as a psychological limit for people who don't do so well.
He argues that IQ is the standard measure of intelligence, the end all be all your-number-is-your-niche way of living. Fuck him, who got a 3.5 his first semester of college compared to his what...2.4??? Bahahahaha! ME!!!
/rant...whew! Damn guys, that felt really good.
Edit: After reading the second page I decided to add that my grade school through high school Iowa standardized tests were ALWAYS 99th percentile, in middle school and even younger my reading level was always put at a sophomore college reading level. Thus my question: Why are applicable intelligence scores in the form of an ACT or other standardized test always overshadowed by IQ scores? You would think they would have some sort of direct relationship.