Originally Posted by Master_Shake
It also takes intelligence, dedication, physical and mental strength, sobriety, startup money and quite a bit of luck. Not everyone has these things, or wants to invest every waking hour of his/her life in the pursuit of just another job.
I work for the man because I've been beaten, not because I want to. Wanting something to happen doesn't make it so and I think it's time we stopped teaching people that they can grow up to be whatever they want. That's a dream for rich people. The rest of us have to get up too damn early to go to a shitty job for lousy pay to make sure the electricity doesn't get turned off this month.
Bullshit! Complete bullshit. No one can be beaten. You're only beaten if you think you are. Personally, I don't have a job, I have a career. One I've been literally working my entire life to obtain. I also plan to start a business once I'm done with my second degree. If it fails, then it fails. But at least I tried rather than throwing up my hands before I even try and go through life wondering "what if." Along the way of getting to where I am today, there have been people that have told me "you can't do it." "People who look like you should be doing something else for a living." Fuck you!!! Is what I told them. ALL of them. You are only what you think you are. If you want to start that business so you can get out of the rat race, then just get of your ass and do it dammit! It makes me sick to see people talk about how they will never amount to anything in life because it's too hard. Make a decision, either shit or get off the fucking pot. If you want to change your life then just make the decision and do it!
That's all it really takes.
I'm off the box now.