Originally Posted by C4 Diesel
I'm a molecualr / cell biologist. Better damn well believe that I'm cloning a whole assload of people (including myself)! Or there's always the easier way... Go to a fertility clinic, take some sperm (and / or my own) and an egg, mix 'em up, incubate.
But assuming that this virus killed all the spare semen/eggs and it was impossible to clone myself, I'd just hang out with dogs a lot. I choose dogs because I feel they get along better with humans than other animals and are loyal and somewhat useful. But perhaps I'd pick up a horse or 2 along the way. I'd go somewhere where the weather's always nice, and just chill there with my dogs.
Originally Posted by Augi
If you can make it you'd be my hero. I am not suicidal but the human race in my opinion has become overripe if we value human life so little (looking at it from an average American watching the news). Probably people here (in this forum.... for the most part... ::cough cough:  value life (decent human life) more than most. Something should unite the people here, why not fear of extermination?
Fear of extermination is already here. Global environmental catastrophy, and Global thermonuclear war, are both possibilities that could wipe out the human race.
Originally Posted by Augi
The Earth will return to its former state rather quickly without the human race constantly polluting it. No more cars going minus yours . However... my gas station Bon Fires polluting the Earth still! But that is a drop in the ocean.
It would take a number of millenia. I've read a pretty well written story on this: Poul Anderson started a short story with the death of the last human on Earth, and ended it with the planet Earth being fried to a cinder by the sun.
It takes millions upon millions of years for the last obvious trace of mankind within the earth/moon system to disappear.
Unlike you, I value the planet Earth mainly so far as it provides as spring board for intelligence to spread over the universe. If every tree died, that would suck, but trees are just trees.