Originally Posted by stbeston
hi. you HAVE to let your girlfriend do this. why? because then the precedent is set and she'll be obliged to do ANY of the kinky stuff you want to do. trust me, i'm not going to get into the details, but that was the situation in my girlfriend's and my case (no feces involved, yet). imagine a shit in the mouth as a magical gateway leading you to other body fluid encrusted lands...
I was also thinking that as well. It does give me a permanent get out of jail free card....
Originally Posted by Craven Morehead
Are you going to tell is about it afterwards?

But of course
Originally Posted by skinnymofo
so im kind of curious on how she brought this subject up with you?
i just cant see someone walking up to their patner straight faced and going
"honey, how would you feel about me taking a dump in your mouth?
She was actually pretty tackful about it. She casually mentioned she had been looking at some odd videos on the net. After a while our conversation led us to watching a video of some girls playing around in it. She then calmy turned to me and softly said "It would really turn me on if I could poop in your mouth." I told her that I loved her and would never deny any request she made.
Originally Posted by ultra_agent9
This thread is useless without pics.
Wait a second!!!!!!
/covering my eyes
Man I'm about to burst into tears some of you said some pretty hilarious stuff! Thanks to all who took the time to reply, I appreciate it. And thanks for the health warnings too. Lots of good point made here, however we spoke about it over the weekend and I have agreed to go through with it. I told her that depending on how it went I might not do it more than once, and by telling her this I think I made a big mistake. She told me if this is her only shot that she had better make it worth it.

So I come home from the gym last night and find some Citrucel sitting on the counter almost HALF empty

I go to the computer room to find her eating a ridicilously big plate of nachos and ask why she's using it. She calmy replied that its a bulkforming laxative, meaning it will produce a really big bowel movement and reminded me that I only gave her one chance.
I was mortified, terrified, disgusted, and fascinated all in the same moment. I didnt think girls were this gross. I asked her if she wanted me to actually eat it and she said that was up to me. But either way she hasnt gone since Sunday so based on that i'm thinking tonights the night.....thanks all again and wish me luck....