It was just some idea that sparked up some major discussion in my English Literature class: What would it be like to be the last human being on Earth?
So we first had to make up some rules:
1) A virus made only to kill only humans wipes EVERYONE out EXCEPT YOU. This leaves the animals for you to play with if you are into that kinda thing.
2) To prevent the revolting stink of 6 billion bodies, the virus causes the bodies of the dead to deteriorate at an accelerated pace leaving no traces at all.
So with these in mind we started bs'ing about what it would be like to be the last human being on Earth. What would you do? Try to do? How would you live? Live on? Would you wear clothes? Try to find others? How long before you went mad and killed yourself? What at all. So just feel free if this sounds like a fun way spit ball some creative ideas or if you want to get into the mental and physical aspects go ahead. Leave no stone unturned.
EDIT: it's been said, why not.
We now have approximately 6 million people left randomly over the earth.