Originally Posted by martinguerre
The claim was evidently rejected by the court, since Graner was convicted. I believe that they were ordered to break the Geneva Convention to employ torture, but that they took further liberties in the commision of abuses that amounted to using torture as recreation. The pictures seem to indicate this.
You are ignoring the scope and problem of American use of torture. Water bottles did not get Graner convicted, or inspire the others to plead out. This is matter of public record. The Taguba Report is widely available, and contradicts your assertions. At this point, i think that's all there is to say.
Ya know, it's amazing y'all don't want to bring the US up on charges for violating the Geneva Conventions during SERE training.
It reminds me of the old question about PETA: Why don't you ever see PETA protesters throwing paint on bikers for wearing leather?