Originally Posted by arch13
. I believe in evolution, but there are questions many have, and evolution has not been proved fact through science. therfore, there is nothing wrong with pointing that out.
That is the spin created by those against the theory of evolution.
Scientists are often quick to point out that science isn't out to prove what is there - it is out to disprove what is false.
Furthermore, science is not absolute - it evolves and changes.
Take for example this:
Long ago, people believed the Earth was flat.
That was disproved by scientific method through looking at the shadow on the moon during an eclipse, through looking at ships dip below the horizon on the ocean, through exploration, and so on.
People once believed the universe revolved around the Earth. Since then we have found out that we revolve around the Sun which is in turn orbitting the center of the Milky Way, one of billions of galaxies in the universe.
Then there is the statement that all zebra's have stripes. Science doesn't prove that zebras have stripes - indeed, it is impossible. To prove that statement, one would have to check every zebra that ever existed and will exist to make sure they have stripes. Should one zebra show up with no stripes, that statement will be false. Science isn't out to prove something is true - its out to prove the other situations don't work. And through that, science is able to evolve and adapt to new things. The original theory of evolution has in itself evolved to adapt to what we discover daily.
And id also like to point out that when people say "oh it's just a theory, its not proof." No, the fact is, theories are tested, observed, experimented, etc. thousands if not millions of times. It is a very strong thing - not something someone randomly made up with a few tests in the lab. It is something that grows and changes, sure, but it is tested and supported by many.
Maybe in 100 years, the current theory of evolution is thrown out becuase something disproved it, just like science disproved spontaneous generation.
Perhaps a reason creationism and the theory of evolution is so at odds is because creationism is an absolute - there is no alternative - whereas evolution provides the theory with the room to change, mold, and in itself evolve: in other words, there is no absolute.