Originally Posted by TM875
I've been through psycho-chick shit like this before. Most girls are insane and unable to make choices. They can't either see that a) they have it good with you, so they should stay regardless of the other boys out there and b) that security is worth more than playtime ever will be.
Cut your losses, drink a bottle of Jack, and get back in the game tomorrow.
Dude, you got problems...
Most women are perfectly normal people... but yes, there are a few that have some issues. Same as most of the guys I know.
To the original poster:
My advice would be to move on... find the next one... and if that doesn't work, find the next one, and so on and so forth, until you *do* find the right one. You;ll know it, she'll know it, and life will be better than it is today.