up until Kara, if I met someone online I would eventually end up hooking up with their friend. It wasn't like the person I met was suppose to hook up, actually I've never really pursued anyone online at all.
Kara met me online, and she was my first girlfriend I met online. THat was a disaster only because of distance.
Meeting people online isn't a problem at all, and honestly I think it's probably my only way to meet girls now. I've gotten terribly shy for some reason the last few years, I guess subconciouslly my esteem has been shattered from breakup after breakup. Now I really don't even want something as much as someone to listen too and talk too. So I think an online persona would be pretty ideal for me compared to meeting people face to face.
Hesitate. Pull me in.
Breath on breath. Skin on skin.
Loving deep. Falling fast.
All right here. Let this last.
Here with our lips locked tight.
Baby the time is right for us...
to forget about us.