Originally Posted by Redlemon
I thought he was saying "Please FCC, please don't fine us, we didn't intend for that to happen". It sounded pretty pathetic to me.
And, I think Moss should be fined for this. What's his dance for next week, pretending to jack off at the crowd?
I think Buck and the after game FOX crew, Brown, Long, Johnson and Bradshaw, all said how disgusting it was for one reason, FEAR OF THE FCC.
Perhaps a couple of them were truly upset, but my gut instinct is that they were truly worried what the FCC may do. Which is sad.
It's like anything in life that is truly tasteless and done for attention. If you ignore it, don't comment and move on then it proves not to be a big deal and noone will say anything (except maybe those holier than thou religious freaks, that somehow believe it was taught by Christ to control politics that seem to have Bush's ear).
I wasn't shocked and I know it was done by an egomaniac, in what he considered fun. However, I do believe the NFL needs to take a stance now that the FOX crew made this an issue, and nip this in the bud.
For this act is like anything else, if let go someone else will sooner or later push the envelope further and actually "moon" the crowd, or do a faux crap, or fake masterbation ... etc. So a line of good taste for FAMILY entertainment does need to be drawn.