Well, we found it! (Stompy and I). We had to drive about 30 miles out of our way to get it from a well known electronics/media store, but we went and got it. What was amusing is they had like 20 copies of it and no other location so of this store had *1* copy. It's as if the people in that area couldn't afford games or something

This game is awesome so far. I have played Ultima Online (still do, actually) and FFXI (whcih I canceled), and WoW is by far the best game out right now.
I've had it since Friday night and I'm a lvl 11 Undead Mage on Zul'Jin. The quest system is so much better than anything else I have seen. I love the idea that you CAN party but you aren't required to. Makes playing by yourself alot easier than in FFXI or UO.
I will be playing this game alot, that is for sure!