politics and fear go hand in hand
In the USA you have a unique way of perceicing the world. To us in other countries we see you as a little odd. Your politics are very contolling yet you do not see it. How many American people got to see the Micheal Moore film "farenheit 911" and how many think that the USA is the greatest nation on earth. The fact is the US governments along with many other nations have controlled various military factions around the world since the end of WW2. The only possible reason is to have control. One final question to ask yourself, How old is the state of Isreal and what colour are the citizens.
I am a white British citizen who is sick and tired of the fear created by governments and in particular the American politics along with our own British way of jumping into bed each time America wants a snuggle. For christ's sake wake up and see the world thruogh your own eyes and not how Bush wants you to see it.