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Old 01-10-2005, 05:13 AM   #89 (permalink)
This vexes me. I am terribly vexed.
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Location: Grantville, Pa
To clear some things up: Sorry to have applied "fuckwad" to the entire south. I will limit it to those only wo fought for the continuance of slavery, not the average soldier who was just doing his duty for his state. I won't apologize beyond that though.

I would like some sources stating that slavery was well and alive in the north after the war.
I'll admit the South wanted to rule themselves including the right to have slaves but that was not what the war was about. We have already discussed what the leaders of the Union thought about slavery including the right to own them in the North even after the Emancipation Proclimation banned it in the South. Do you really think the Union cared one way or another except for political leverage? Don't you think Lincoln would have asked/made Grant free his slaves instead of keeping them till long after the war ended?
Everything I have learned has taught me that it was outlawed in the north long before the war even started. This was the main reason for the Dred Scott case. Please give me a citing of this.
Also cite for me Grant owning slaves after the war ended.

to the end of what you said flstf: We can honor the soldier, but that is done at their gravesite. Explain why these soldiers deserve buildings named after the political substance (a the current flying of their war banner) that they once fought for while the many German soldiers who died for the Nazi regime do not.

To anything anyone has tried to ask me since friday afternoon, please if you want me to answer, ask it again. I don't get on much at all on weekends. If you don't think it's been significantly explained yet, please question me.
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