so if "Moving at a constant velocity is the SAME as being at 'rest.' ", does that mean that light is at rest?...I mean it has a constant velocity...
No. You misunderstood the statement. It means that the laws of physics, and the mathematical methods that we use (calculus, vector math, etc) are the same in any inertial (constant velocity) reference frame.
In General Relativity, one works with reference frames that experience forces and acceleration. The result is that the laws of physics are no longer the same. Vectors don't add the way they used to. They are no longer othogonal. This is why we say that space-time becomes curved.
"However, our experiment does show that the generally held misconception that `nothing can travel faster than the speed of light' is wrong."
This is a generally held misconception. Objects with mass cannot travel at the speed of light (see above for explanation). Information cannot travel faster than the speed of light. Bcause of the way Lorentz transformations work, if I'm sitting somewhere and I see two events occuring some distance apart, I see that A happens then B happens. However, someone moving very fast with respect to me can see that B happens before A happens. But what if A caused B to happen? Well, if A caused B, then no matter how fast I move, I must always see A before I see B.
In order for this to be true (that A is always before B), the math tells us that for the given distance between A and B, the time between them must be larger than or equal to the time it takes light to tavel from A to B.
Philosophically, this means that something happens at A. A transmits some information (doesn't matter how) to where B is, causing B to occur. This transmition of information must take the same amount of time (or larger) as it would take light to travel the same distance. If not, then I can ways travel at some velocity where it looks like B occured before A. Thus, we say that Information cannot travel faster than the speed of light.