Originally Posted by Hunter
Considering that we now are capable of building nuclear reactors that are meltdown-proof, and can produce their own fuel (so there is significantly less dangerous waste), I think we've had the answer to our energy problems for a few years now.
Don't get me wrong, I am an outdoor nut, I love the environment. But the fundie environmentalists have pretty much doomed us to several more decades of fossil fuel addiction (and in the long run, causing more damage to the environment) by so vehemently opposing everything having to do with nuclear power production/research.
Oh well, in a couple of years when we reach peak oil and desperate for a quick answer, start mining the moon for Helium 3, I can become a space prospector. Sweet.
We have reactors that are meltdown proof? I find that hard to believe when you consider the amount of heat a reactor can give off. Can you provide an example or an explanation as to what makes them meltdown proof? I would be interested in knowing.
If we ever get the Helium 3 it would be sweet. Hmmm, a moon miner. Could this turn out to be this century’s gold rush?