These threads are pretty funny, to say the least, but kind of annoying at the same time
I think a lot of people misunderstand what "overrated" means.
It's just a WEE bit unusual to see Final Fantasy 7, Metroid Prime, and GTA (to name a few) listed as "overrated" games. Overrated how? These are games that have (or will) stand the test of time that people will think back and say, "goddamn, that was a GREAT game.."
These games excel in every aspect of entertainment - story itself, sound, gameplay, graphics (for the time), and overall fun. Just because it's not your cup of tea doesn't mean it's overrated.
Metroid Prime... I mean, that's easily one of the best games of all time, right up there with Ocarina of Time, GTA, Final Fantasy 4, FF7, etc. It doesn't offer anything too terribly new in terms of graphics or innovation, but it's a Metroid game - it focuses on exploration, item finding, backtracking, boss battles, etc... It meets AND beats all previous titles, hands down. It might not seem that way because the nostalgia of something like Super Metroid might be lingering, but in today's gaming scene, it's damn good.
That being said, there are some games where people kinda overlooked the fact that it had been done before. Halo is one of them. It's an okay game and all, it's not bad or anything, but it really isn't any different from any other FPS at ALL. I really don't get why people flock to this game. The story is mediocre and... it's an FPS. FPS games got old years ago. It's as if people who played Halo NEVER played Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, or Half Life, which is kind of odd... I cringe whenever another FPS is released. The first thing I wonder is, "What's new in this game that should make me want to play it?" I wouldn't have touched Doom 3 if it wasn't for the fact it was scary as shit. Quake 4? Unless it offers something worthwhile and revolutionary, I probably won't bat an eye at it. Same with Halo when it came out. No one can seem to explain exactly why this game is different aside from "well my friend likes it, so I like it."