Originally Posted by sob
Every post I've seen commends those who contributes funds, their expertise, or their time to save lives in the areas affected by the tsunami. Except for Bush, of course, whom I believe sent $10,000.
Are Iraqi lives, especially children's, not as valuable as those of the tsunami victims? Or is it just that Bush can never be credited with any worthwhile acts, as some of the posts here allude?
First, when I said I applaud all donors, I did not exclude Bush from that applause. I have heard his contribution maligned as too small for a fat cat, but I don't share that sentiment.
However, your assertion that we should have the same feelings of gratitude and respect for someone for starting a war as we do for someone providing humanitarian aid in the face of a natural disaster is absurd at the least.
There are some reasonable estimates of the deaths caused through the actions of the Saddam regime, and one can extrapolate that figure over the potential but limited extension of that regime had it not been toppled in 2003. However, it does not hold up to the sheer number of deaths caused by the invasion. Unfortunately, the Administration intentionally prevented accurate counting of the death toll amonst Iraqi citizens caused by the US Invasion. But the quantities that are estimated are significantly greater than the number of deaths caused by Saddam over a similar period. Granted, the argument can be made that the rate of death will decrease and eventually, the formula will result in a net savings in lives. We haven't reached that point on the graph yet, and with the continuing unrest, violence, and potential for sustained violence, it is not clear when we might expect to reach that point.
Thus, to say that the invasion saved lives is inaccurate as of today, and to say it will ultimately result in saving lives can not be known yet, as it is entirely dependant on future events that can not be accurately predicted yet.
Regardless, to paint Bush as Mother Theresa for the invasion of Iraq is completely unreasonable in any light. Bringing salvation on the point of a sword IS fundamentally different than bringing it in a non-violent means.