I dont think we should bullshit our children. As far as the things they dont understand when they are young, they should be told the truth as to what happens, even though they will not understand it. Instead of giving them pre-fabricated stories like Santa, or even God, we should give them given truths.
I'm gonna totally agree with Contrary. God is Santa for adults, in a simplified comparitive sense. When kids dont understand something, they get a story like Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny. When we dont understand something, we get a story like the Bible, the Koran, [insert holy book here], and God(s) to believe in.
The Easter Bunny thing always gets me too. So if you christians are so proud of your religion, and so sure its true, then why do you have your children celebrate the coming of the Easter Bunny and chocolate eggs and candy instead of the rebirth of your Lord?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.
Deeds, not words, shall speak [for] me.
---John Fletcher