Sing: late summer afternoon, soft golden window break
Rhyme: the world's irretrievably ****ed up forever.
Hum: nothing that you ever do will really make sense.
Cry: sallow dead light rippling against faded wallpaper
Listen to me carefully
All my life I have been convinced that I am right
I have never loved anyone more than I love myself
I am scared of turning my back on an empty room.
Since I was eight years old I wished I was someone else
Close your eyes and remember
Sat in a neutral room staring at the dead gas fire
While she nervoously told you you took milk and no sugar
A dust blanket of silence falling over the room
Her spastic hand knocking the empty cup to the floor
You didnt get up
The day you told your mother that you never never loved her
Paid her back for ten years of making you want to cry
Your eyes are so blank and she chokes on her tears and slides
Out of the room.
Nobody ever knew how to really make you care
You spent your whole life pondering what the right reaction is
THIS doesnt make you happy
Hidden, rolled into a fetus ball, in the silver wood
Trees overhang your body as you slowly rise
And stare at the dirty unnatural silence in dumb wonder
Unable to tell what this place should make you feel
Elemental May fly dusk, so poised with potential
Pouncing, tearing, running, screaming - all out of reach
The streets might not be safe, but the dark here is scary
I hate the way the world is, so **** all of you
We met when we were both 16 and I spent 2 years of my life
Trying to make her happy, and even in that I failed
When she started crying the last time I thought she would tear apart
Such was the hysteria of her hot Wednesday tears
I left the room dry eyed but with a thumping headache
And a re-broken heart
SING: the only way to clean the ****ing worthless junk from our of your life is to trash the whole ****ing thing.
SING: You are a worthless parasite, used up. NOTHING. No one will ever understand whats going on in your head
Sing: I ****ing hate this
S I N G : I F U C K I N G H A T E Y O U
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas