My gut says they're just alt covers. Looking at the web, it seems the classic look is in the minority, if there is any difference, to the modern design. Every online shop I checked is selling 'only' the lightsaber one, according to images. I did manage to fine the classic style cover on eBay, and despite being otherwise detailed, called no attention to the cover or any differences, and was going for expected price.
I'd say you just got a quirkier cover, if anything.
edit: If no one else comes along with satisfactory solidity on this, there's a live chat support a, but you have to register, which I'm much too lazy to do.
" ' Big Mouth.
Remember it took three of you to kill me.
A god, a boy, and, last and least, a hero.' "
Last edited by Pellaz; 12-29-2004 at 06:42 AM..