Originally Posted by littlebighead
helpful stuff
Thanks man your post really helped...
I think im gonna at least try computer engineering for awhile just to see if I enjoy it more than CS, but I agree with you that it is probably just the environment that Im in... the last course was definatley what turned me off to programming and it is definatley a weeding out course... considered one of the hardest classes one can take at my school, it was in introduction to C and computer architecture.
However what really made me think about changing majors is that the next course I take in my curriculum is a "projects" course... it is pretty much a java based group project course, where there are about 4 huge projects that you must get done with your group. I kinda felt like I just didnt know how to program quite as well as my peers and that when I take this course I will be the anchor that everyone in my group hates..... All cs majors at my school hate this class, I guess I just want to make sure that I really want to be a cs major before I sign up for this class.
I think my dream job would be in the internet industry doing networking type stuff, possibly working for a large company like cisco etc. etc, or even like a large ISP like comcast working in the technology development type field.
Thanks for everyone's help.... I guess im just trying to find myself