Originally Posted by neekap
Saw it on DVD over the weekend.
It was a strange move, I'll give you that, but I thought it was pretty good too. Napoleon reminds me of a few people I went to high school with. I would agree with previous posts, though, about not being able to pinpoint a time period. It almost seems like it's an early-to-mid 90's timeframe but in a town that's forgotten that's stuck a decade or two behind with its customs.
I enjoy movies like this where they aren't blatent comedies.. Movies that you need to take a bit of time to "digest" to really understand the true value in it.
I think the time period is late 80s, early 90s. I went to grade school during this time and I could totally relate to ND especially with the characters and weird clothing. I think people who didn't grow up in similar era would not get the humor of the film.