Word of the day May 14
The Word of the Day for May 14 is:
widow's cruse • \WIH-dohz-KROOZ or WIH-dohz-KROOSS\ • (noun) an inexhaustible supply
A little more information about today’s word:
A cruse is a small metal hanging lamp, such as the one featured in the biblical tale of Elijah (1 Kings 17:8-16). In that story, the prophet was sent to a poor widow who had little food and only a single cruse for light. He asked her to share her food and light with him; she did, and was rewarded with an ever-burning lamp and an inexhaustible food supply. The term "widow's cruse" recalls the bountiful outcome of that tale.
My sentence:
It often seemed to Connie that her sons thought of the refrigerator as a widow's cruse of food that would magically restock itself every week.
Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary, 10th Edition.
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