I had the same problem when I first started driving a stick, it seems like you just need to find the line between too much and too little gas. I remeber the first time I went to try and drive my dads old truck.. I only had a basic idea what I was doing but he was out at a baseball game so I had the night to go out and practice, if I could even get out of the driveway.. anyway I drove towards the best I could, at first I would stall out almost everytime I went to accelerate from a stop, which was "fun" considering the first stop I had to make when going into town was on top of a hill - long story short it took 5 tries to get up that little hill but I eventually got into town.
I remeber my dad telling me (later) to not be afraid to leave the clutch in a little when starting from a stop. Eventually I was able to gauge how much gas I needed in whatever situation and I could either let the clutch out quickly or slowly depending on the speed I needed to go. That was more than likely the best advice he gave me other to not try and be in a hurry and relax.. Im almost positive I wouldnt have stalled out as much on that hill had I just been a little more relaxed.
As for getting it into gear smoothly, take your time, push in the clutch, wait till its all the way in, shift, slowly let out the clutch while slowly accelerating at an equal pace. With time it will come to you. Trust me.