If asserting yourself doesn't work, you could also try talking to the people who still treat you like you deserve to be treated. Have them talk to the others and let them know that you are unhappy with your treatment and would like them to stop treating you like crap. If they refuse to change, stop talking to them. They are not your friends if they treat you like crap. If they won't stop, then for you to say you don't want to lose them as friends is irrelevant. You lost them when they started this behavior.
Westtothemax is right. Once you graduate, you will make new friends. I only have two friends left from high school and I lost contact with them for a few years before renewing our friendship. You may also find that if you drop them for a while and talk to them again in a few years, they may be quite a bit different.
A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day. Calvin