It's not because you're fat or a loser or a bad guitar player or too skinny or poor or a nerd or anything like that. These characteristics in victims of high school bullying aren't the reasons, these characteristics are just scapegoats, the victims are just scapegoats and it's really the bullies who have the problems with themselves.
This is a pack of high school girls - silliness and ignorance and scheming and backstabbing at its worst - it's a big melting pot of teenage angst and worry and they're looking for someone they can feel big to, someone they can push around to make themselves feel tough. To lots of people in high school this sort of advice doesn't seem true because the victims blame themselves and say that it must be because they're fat. People don't get picked on because they're fat, they get picked on because bullies assume a kid like that has low self-esteem and thus won't fight back, and in many cases it's true, so the fat kid doesn't fight back and the bully wins.
So after all that, my suggestion is to stand up to them next time, if it's just one of them that takes a jab at you just say 'Hey, give it a rest' with a disapproving look. Teenagers are looking for approval from people their age, if you make the individuals feel bad they should all fall in line. But hey, I say once you've told them each to give it a rest, move on. Like the others here have said, once you graduate high school you're not likely to ever see this people again unless you maintain the friendship, and I wouldn't suggest it. Just move on from that group and work on your own self esteem.
Remember that bullies fight the easy fights, the ones where they know the other kid won't fight back. That's what they mean when they say bullies are cowards. That's why bullies pick on the fat kid, or the poor kid, or the one that he or she knows has low self-esteem for any other reason, because they won't put up a fight. Bullies don't pick on jocks, do they? Because they know the jocks won't stand for it.