1) Office of the manager of the restaurant where I washed dishes. I was 15 and she was 26. Fantastic. Told my folks right afterward (they were soooo proud, uh...yeah...). She was beautiful and I was heartsick for years thereafter.
2) When I was in radio (do I detect a thread theme?) I had liasons with three different women over multiple occasions at the desk, anteroom, office and parking lot of the station. One MFF in the booth. Hard to do the rip-n-read AP news thing with a straight face after that.
3) As a lab rat, my LTSO was also my tech and we pasted several benches, my desk, a coiuple chairs, the head, a walk-in incubator, the elevator, a couple stairwells...prolly forgetting a few.
4) In my next lab, a colleague and I struck up a torrid romance that lasted 5 years. More desk tops, chairs, elevators, etc, but also a rooftop (excellent), a water sculpture in the courtyard of the facility, the library...
5) In my next lab, I had a quickie with a mooneyed gradual student (not my student) in her lab (not a good idear, that) and a couple lab trysts with my former colleagues and current wife. Still crazy for her years later.
Since marrying, we haven't had sex at work. Hmm. Need to think about that.
Hasta --> Rico
"Earth is an asylum for angels with amnesia" -- Emerson