i've quit in style before, never been fired (yet!). I was working for a company doing quality control, they were dicking me around for months and i hated my job and manager. i was only staying with this company until i found other work, well when i did find a new job i decided it was pay back time. we had our client in for a monthly meeting, my managers would always get in a dither when our client was in town for inspections, everyone looking there best, all the fakeness of ass kissing olympics. I had to give presentations to the client each month on current levels and other crap. anyway, i did nothing. when they asked me to big my presentation, i said no, fuck you, you do it. and just sat there. everyone was just stoned faced. my boss asked to see me outside and that was it. i made sure to shout loudly and generally be a huge ass as i cleared out my things. god i hated that company. they treated all the employees like dirt. bastards.
on a side note, they are not closed. not related to my outburst!