Originally Posted by Mr.Deflok
If you had been held in stasis by the G-man then sent to battle in the streets of a world on fire by an Alien Invasion, don't you think you'd be asking the many NPC's "WHAT THE SHIT IS GOING ON?!" instead Freeman says nothing at all. In fact, the NPC's don't care to explain anything to him.
As stated before; well at least on that website that displays what happened, NPCs think that you know. Say in the September 11 Attacks if you were right outside when it happened, and it killed a couple of family members and stuff. Half a year down the track, after your family goes into extreme debt because of lack of working person/s that were killed, Half a year down the track would you when asked about the attacks give a full details, reliving the pain and suffering that you were subjected to.
Imagine this, except on a higher scale, because the world has been forced into about 6 or 7 cities, you can no longer contact friends and family, you have no idea whos dead and whos alive, your being controlled by the 'Taliban' or whatever. That is why NPCs do NOT tell you
Also they think you know it, they dont know you were in a Slow - Time Trap. Also when your Gordon, he's smart enough to really know that he was let out for a reason. He sees Xen and probably thinks; same enemy, different faces.
And to finish my rant, some people just dont ask question. If you don't like it, make a mod where you can ask questions, or a mod where you can sit down talking to NPCs when Humans are being killed...