To sleep, To Dream, Does the baby have to scream?
It has been about 3 months and a bit now since he was born, and my son just will not sleep anymore. He will take these 10 oir 15 min power naps every few hours, then wake up and want attention. My wife is definatley suffering as she is the one who usually gets up at night to comfort him. When he does actually sleep it will be for about 4 hours or so and then it's back to the same routine. We have tried nuking some blankets to put under him, putting him to bed with his sucky sue (soother), leaving an article of moms clothing in the crip, putting a hat on, feeding him some cereal before putting him down for the night, singing, talking, etc. Nothing seems to work, or if it does, it only works once or twice and that's it.
I am sure that some might say I should wake up and do it myself at least half of the time. However I work about 12 hours a day at work, and am usually ready to fall into a come by the time I get home. I honestly would get up out of bed to do this, however I am a heavy sleeper and my Wife just doesn't wake me up because she knows that I am tired and that I need my sleep for work, although I told her that she can do it, she still insists on doing ti most of the time.
This is why the ohnly thing left that I cna think of is to find some sort of miracle failsafe way of getting our son to sleep through the night, or at least for a good solid 6 - 8 hours of solid sleep a day.
any suggestion?