you're probably more aquainted with a field that you can feel. Gravity. Gravity, like the electric and magnetic fields, is also a field. A field is a mathematical way of describing something that has values throughout all of space.
You are sitting on the face of the earth right now, you feel a certain force pulling you down. Now imagine you are in outerspace, you still feel a force pulling you toward the earth. But now, that force is slightly less. In fact, no matter where you are in space, you will feel a force toward the earth. (if you go out too far, that force becomes really really tiny, practically zero).
Since you feel a force everywhere in space, physicists use a description for gravity called a "field". It simply means that for every point in space, there is an associated force pulling toward the earth.
And if you say to me tomorrow, oh what fun it all would be.
Then what's to stop us, pretty baby. But What Is And What Should Never Be.