Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Could you describe the path you took to become a Hill staffer? Not just how you got the specific job, but what things did you do that led up to you being able to get it?
I'm one of the lucky few that was in the right place at the right time. I didn't have any close friends or relatives in the Senator's office. To prepare myself for the line of work, though, I minored in political science in college. I also volunteered on a few different campaigns during high school and college. That gave me some specific insight into politics and relevant experience that I could put on my resume. I would highly recommend volunteering either on campaigns or in offices. If you happen to volunteer in the same geographic area as the member you are trying to get in with, you will make valuable contacts that can help you get ahead. Unfortunately for me, the majority of my volunteer work was in another state, so my contacts weren't as valuable initially.