stalling out my 1984 buick skylark
I have a 1984 buick skylark, 4WD, engine Type X, no mods to the car.....
This morning, I was hastily stalled the sh!t out of my car, [mind its NOT fuel-injected], because i was rushing to go to school. [usually, it needs about 5 mins to warm up fully, when i can tell that the car isn't shaking at all.] Well, after probably a min or 2, I backed out of the driveway. Then, I stalled out, in the street. Panicing, I tried to restart it and gassed probably too much [for about 15 secs, tops]. [did this twice, from what I recall] Finally, it started and I went on my way to school [about 4-5 miles away from me, a mix of freeway and city driving]
When I left school, I had no problems starting it all. However, I noticed on the way home; my car was coasting more quickly than it was previously was. After I make a complete stop @ a stop sign and let go of the brake, my car was accelerating faster than it had before [at the same stop sign that I stop at EVERY DAY].
Right now, I'm pretty scared, I'm thinking I screwed up my transmission, my starter, Whatever else.
I'll post more details if necessary.
Thanks very much,