Thread: I need help
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Old 11-29-2004, 03:20 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Location: ...more here than there...
Posting this response @ the request of inera ('brian') (this is what was previously deleted:

Okay, for all intents and purposes, I am Brian, and Madeline’s story is missing about half of the facts. Nevertheless it does not negate the fact that I was, at times, an ass to Madeline, and I do regret doing so. But everyone must deal with a little friendly joking every now and then. Unfortunately, I didn't realize Madeline had such a low tolerance for these jokes until too late. Anyways, Bryan (who is Ryan in the story, since she used my name I figured I may as use all the real names) has been my friend since my sophomore year in high school, and is still one of my best friends. Madeline and Bryan had been going out for nearly two and a half years at the time this occurred. Madeline knowingly lost control of herself and had sex with another guy. Bryan, being my best friend, I believe, deserved to know that Madeline had sexually cheated on him. When I first told him, Madeline denied every word of what I was saying, again betraying Bryan's trust of her. Regardless of anything, they are currently as good as back together anyway.

You must understand that this was no easy decision, I didn't want Madeline to hate me for it, but I knew she would, and I still felt compelled to tell Bryan. I was in a lose-lose situation; if I didn't tell Bryan, I felt like I was betraying him, however, if I told Bryan, then Madeline, one of my best friends as well, would lose all trust in me. Many of my friends agree with my decision. It's not like I wanted to tell Bryan for some sick satisfaction of some sort, it's because I cared about both my friends, and had to choose between them. The reason I've told my mom things is because I wanted some advice to tell to you, my mom is much, much wiser than I am and I respect that and try to use it.

I realize that we're both at fault here, and I'm admitting that yes, I have been and ass, and yes, I have betrayed your trust. And I'm sorry for that. I'm honestly sorry.

We've been friends since Freshman year, since Biology class, and sometimes you've been the only person I could count on for support. I don't want our friendship to end over something that doesn't even matter anymore. I thought we were off to a little better relationship when you at least came with Bryan to visit me down in Socorro, I mean you at least talked to me. Things went sour between September 04 and now, you don't even want to have anything to do with me, you used to text me, now when I text you, you tell me to basically fuck off. Sure! I messed up, okay? I mean people make mistakes, we're all human, aren't we?
- + - ° GiRLie GeeK ° - + - °
Therell be days/When Ill stray/I may appear to be/Constantly out of reach/I give in to sin/Because I like to practise what I preach
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