What we often forget is that the most important aspect about introducing subjects such as astronomy and evolution in biology at the primary school level is to introduce the applicabilty and history of the "scientific method." From what I recall these classes center around teaching the methods of experimentation and the skills of observation. One can't parallel the teaching of creationism with the teaching of evolution because the basic message is entirely different.
Even many teachers can lose sight of the fact that evolution isn't about "These are all the answers to the mystery of life", but about "These are where our questions are taking us - but we still don't have all the answers."
At higher levels of education this is more readily apparent. Basic science questions itself and accepts that change (with new observation and theory) is a natural part of science itself.
Who knows? Some day an optical telescope might even discover some pearly gates in the clouds - or that Hell exists somewhere beneath the earth's crust - then we might come full circle in our beliefs. The point is that we found it ourselves without passive blind faith. I believe in God (faith)- but I also believe we were created to be inquisitive and intelligent to explore the mechanisms of His creation through science.