I went out around 7:30am till 7:00pm with my wife. I picked up a wireless router/network card kit for $20, a couple of video games for $10 each, the seinfeld DVD's for $27 each, and few cds. I definately saved some money, but I wouldn't have gone if my wife didnt sort of force me to.
Of all the places I went, the worse was Cicuit City/Best Buy. The lines were incredibly long, but I happened to luck out because I know someone who works at both stores. I have to admit that getting all the deals I got was sort of a rush. I actually enjoyed it before 11:00am, but after that, it started to suck.
By the way, on my way home from my thanksgiving meal, I drove past Best Buy around 11:30 PM, and there were about 10 people already in line. I guess people really wanted their $200 PC, and $500 laptops.
Last edited by lpj8; 11-27-2004 at 07:39 PM..