Originally Posted by m0k13
Big time grower here. Unless I'm loosened up a bit and perhaps drinking, my flaccid penis is 1/5 the size of my erect penis (in length, and I suppose 1/3 the girth).
Only time I really care is when I'm out in the clubs and I get the impression that women are looking for the bulge...
I've gotten the bulge thing before. Probably more than once. I've actually had girls pointing to it when it's in the flaccid state on one occaision. Flaccid and upright, the bulge is about half of a tennis ball give or take the conditions of the weather n what not. Then erect the bulge is a little like a hot dog, bun and all. I think I've caught girls looking at it when it's like that. Embarrisingly so, it's like that a lot of the time and I have to, re-adjust the damn thing. I guess cause I wear jeans a lot so that probably enhances the bulge a bit...maybe not. I can't say it's ever really bothered me when I'm with a girl...when I was younger in the locker rooms, I wouldn't shower till I got home after football practice. But yeah it's supposed to grow, and the flacid state doesn't matter one single bit...less yer caught on camera naked. I don't think that will ever happen to me...stop worrying about it.