Originally Posted by sob
I hate to argue with a guy who agrees with me on gun control, but here's the part I need to clarify--the "offensive" part.
No Michael Jackson jokes. No ped jokes. I have to assume there can be no jokes about the French, because those are offensive to the French. Same for those of middle eastern descent.
No Polish jokes. No Jewish mother jokes. No gay jokes. No Catholic priest jokes. The death penalty for a joke that has a black in it.
I assume blonde jokes are okay, because they're basically Polish jokes, but since the butt of the joke is white, no problem.
And judging from what I can see in the vasectomy thread, it's fine to make fun of poor white people in Southern states. Guess that isn't offensive.
So for anyone who hasn't figured out the point of this message, banning topics doesn't promote world peace. In fact, I doubt that a joke exists that isn't offensive to someone.
I can deal with jokes that ridicule my ethnicity/location/intelligence/religion/sexual preference. If another person can't, they need a lot more help than this ban is going to give them.
My $.02
I actually agree 100%. There isn't a single joke that is not offensive to at least one person. I understand that pictures of persons under 18 aren't allowed on this message board, but these are jokes you're talking about and should be taken as such. I've seen much more offensive misogynistic jokes posted here than any MJ joke could ever achieve.
My $.02 as well.