Thread: Cursing
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Old 11-24-2004, 02:31 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by avhg1
I see you only selectively read my posts. Perhaps you missed this.

"Cursing doesn't make you more interesting or less intelligent."
Yeah, but if you automatically assume they're less intelligent because they cuss, then the point is kinda moot, isn't it?

Like it or not, many judgments are made by how you act and appear. For example, you can look poor because of the clothes you wear. That doesn't make you poor. Your blue shirt example is not a real stereotype, but if it were, it would be true that on first glance you could be taken for being uglier.
I understand what you're saying, but I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.

I am not judging anyone's character for cursing; only stating that in my opinion that cursing is viewed as a less intelligent form of conversation.

Wow, testy. As so well stated by frogza, I was only trying to make a point that cursing doesn't have a place in most intelligent discussions.
Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as rude.

I don't agree with that.. If I was having an "intelligent" conversation, cursing wouldn't make me look stupid, maybe immature, but not stupid.

If we were having a discussion about airfoils, and I happened to say, "The only problem I have with the Y airfoil is how it stalls so damned sharply. I prefer airfoils that have much 'mushier' stall characteristics." I don't think that makes me look less intelligent at all. It may not be as professional, but I think it has little to do with appearance of intelligence.

To answer your question, most of the time I try to have at least half intelligent conversations and cursing isn't necessary.
I don't always feel the need to have serious, intelligent conversations; maybe we just don't see eye to eye because of our age difference.

Ever heard the saying, you never get a second chance to make a first impression? I don't judge people's character solely by their manner of speech, but I do get a first impression of people based on how they act. If someone can't express themselves without constantly cursing, I get a negative impression of them. Would you wear a tee shirt and jeans if you wanted professional business people to take you seriously?
Yeah, I have heard of that expression, but I just don't make that distinction when it comes to cursing. As far as wearing jeans and a tee shirt, I wouldn't wear that just because it's not professional.

In case you missed my other posts, I'm not offended by cursing. There are times it is very inappropriate and others where it doesn't matter. I don't really care if others do it. I don't and if I don't like hearing others curse, I can always choose not to listen.
I agree that there are times when it is definitely inappropriate ,but I don't think appearing intelligent is one of the reason cursing would be inappropriate.

Last edited by Carn; 11-24-2004 at 02:34 PM..
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