Well, I think most of us here work. I'm sincerely hoping a topic like this hasn't been brought up already, but hey. I'm trying to get the flow going in here
I just got hired at a new restaraunt, called The Keg. I'm sure many of you know about it. Anyways, I'm almost completely positive that I didn't get hired on my credentials, I got hired on my looks. I'm tall, average size, and I think I'm pretty decent looking. A good friend of mine applied a few days ago and never got a call back. After enquiring with the manager, he sort of stumbled over excuses and came up with 'she has a lip ring' as his excuse for not hiring her. I'm questioning as to whether or not he hired her because she has a different style than many of the employees that work there. I mean, a lip ring can be taken out, right?
I think its pretty terrible that things like this are happening. Anyone else here in the service industry, or any other industry for that fact, that have seen the typical .. tall, busty, blonde airhead being hired just because she makes office scenery better? I like to think I'm an intelligent person, but geez, I hate seeing people who are more qualified having to walk because the manager doesn't think they have enough 'potential'.. its frankly pretty disgusting!!