My only suggestion for you is to take a life drawing class yourself and see how you feel about drawing a nude woman you don't know personally. In my experience, the initial interest in seeing someone you don't know nude (not the usual state for most people we see during the day) is quickly forgotten in the intensity of trying to replicate them in chalk, pencil, clay, what have you.
During my art minor I took a photography class in which I shot some fairly erotically charged nudes of my then girlfriend as my final project. It was an excellent experience and even though every single person in my class saw her in fairly intimate detail, it was what it was. An art project. It didn't give them any rights on her, she didn't start having sex with any of them. We all went about our business, graduated and that was that.
I fully support everyone who has said that you should have a conversation with your g/f about it. But if she chooses to do it, you can't morally or ethically do more than say that you wish she wouldn't.