I voted for something else. Here's my uneducated elaboration...
I think it's likely that Jesus was a man, an extraordinarily enlightened man with a great clarity of vision, a strong sense of simple ethics, and a belief that people in general were for the most part lost and needed some help. I think it's likely that he was capable of doing some extraordinary things by virtue of his enlightened state, but the record of the exact nature of his deeds is suspect due to misinterpretation and mistranslation and good old-fashioned embellishment by the observers and scribes of the time.
I think he was literally the son of God if and only if one accepts the premise that we are all equally sons and daughters of God, but for the most part don't realize it. I believe quite literally the line "greater things than this shall you do". I think it's unlikely that he physically arose from the dead though.