Thankyou so much everyone! i'm glad you all enjoyed these photos, it makes taking them all the more worthwhile! sadly, i haven't had the chance to take anymore yet, but i'm sure i will when i see something interesting...
yeah, i'm impressed with the camera myself, it was the smallest i could find at the time... its 100 grams or something and smaller than my mobile phone
the car with the rock smashed on it... yeah that was weird haha, it was in front of the opera house in sydney... apparently some artist parked the car there, hired a crane, and dropped that rock from the end of it, put a fence around it and there you go! art!
haha, yes, exactly right, people don't really appreciate getting pictures taken of their eyes when the flash is on...
most of the pictures were taken around lake macquarie... not an extremely well known place, about 2 hours north of sydney.. others were taken in sydney, and a couple were taken down the south coast of nsw... about 2 hours south of syndney..
regards to that jellyfish thing, i've searched the internet for hours trying to figure out exactly what it is with no luck... its probably an anenome (spelling?) but i have no real clue... all those pink tentacle things were moving around, if it was in water i'd say it could walk.. so yeah, if any of you know a marine biologist or something, it would be cool to find out what it is!
i am enlightened