Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
How about jobs? Would you want a stoner teaching your kids? Would you want to risk having the guy operating a wrecking ball at a construction site high at work? What about that cop who was pulling people over for being stoned? If pot is legal, government agencies can't prohibit employees from using it, only from doing so while on the job. If someone is still high and goes to work thinking they're fine, it's a problem, especially when they're the ones who are protecting us. Same with firefighters; if they're stoned, they're going to stand on your front lawn gawking at the dancing, swirling pools of light instead of putting water on them. Then there's truckers. They've got huge-ass trucks carrying goods to points of sale, a lot of them aren't the world's greatest drivers in the first place, and then add teh effects of pot smoke. If they do make it to their destinations safely, I can just imagine the results, "You made it here safely, but where the hell did all the boxes of Twinkies go?"
Problem with this argument is that it applies to alcohol as well, and that's perfectly legal.
The more I think about it, the more I can't think of any reason why pot is illegal. I wonder what George Bush would say about the issue.
Maybe you should switch the argument and argue for alcohol to be made illegal as well.