When I first started to play, I did the entire game by myself in Single Player Mode, completing every quest, getting stuff, etc... I just did it in Normal because doing again in Single Player on Nightmare then Hell would seem like a waste of time. But after I became very comfortable with the game, I went Multiplayer, I basicallyed "Rushed" all the way through the game to Hell, and spent most of the time in password protected games beating up Mephisto, etc... Good times. I still find some of the best times I had in multiplayer were doing simple Act 5 (in the expansion) runs in that huge ass field. Killing everything, not picking up much except yellow/gold colored items, and doing it over and over and over again. The game is so addicting it's ridiculous, especially for the lack of stuff you actually do in the game.
I myself find Act 2 the most annoying Act in the game, but have fun with it, it gets better, especially in the expansion in Act 5, which I think is a great add-on, but maybe not worth the 25 bucks I paid for it! Although, the other people are right, once you get your Necromancer up to like level 85-90, and get all your godly items, etc, stop playing him, make another character (different class) and start all over again! It'll be like playing it for the first time again.
"Marino could do it."