Originally Posted by bltzkriegmcanon
What do you mean the PVP system hasn't been implemented yet? I thought that's what we were doing all through open beta on the PVP servers? Or is this PVP raiding? I confused.
Well that is the base of the PvP system. The thing is that is all there is...there is no real reason for PvP right now, well other than attacking the other factions controlled areas. There needs to be more depth to the fight between the Horde and you Alliance scumbags. They have the Honor system, which I'm not so sure will be enough to sell me on the PvP aspect. I want a reason to attack other than to annoy people...I want to be able to take over areas and get rewards for that. Say the Horde takes moves out from Splintertree post in Ashenvale and takes over Astranaar, if they keep it for a certain amount of time it is now a Horde controlled town. Stuff like this would really make PvP a lot more fun in my eyes.
- And so he says, 'I don't like the cut of your jib.' And I go I says, IT'S THE ONLY JIB I GOT, BABY! -