Why do so many people like the Sixth Sense so much? Honestly I thought it was his worst film (well, okay maybe the Village takes that honor, but I did like the Village better than most).
Here's my feelings on him. He's a B movie filmmaker. An exceptional one at that. However, since there aren't B movies anymore you either make A movies or don't make movies (I'm leaving indies out of this discussion since he's never really made an indie). And since his movies make bank and he's got Miramax and Disney swinging from his sack, he makes A movies. The problem with this is that he now feels he's special and fills his movies with such annoying pretensions because of these superior feelings. So his movies aren't as enjoyable as they could be.
If this were an earlier era when there was still such a thing as a B movie. He would be making lowly B pictures that were just plain highly entertaining, because he wouldn't have the social currency around hollywood making him feel self-important and he wouldn't have enough actual currency to make self important movies.
Hope that made sense. I'm very tired.