They are acting irrational and quite frankly inviting ridicule.
let us take a moment to consider conservative-style ridicule.
i think it best embodied by the work of p.j. o'rourke, exemplar of what i like to call the "travelling cretin school".
in these works, the travelling cretin goes places, encounters situations, some of which are explained to him in detail.
but the travelling cretin has no truck with complexity, no truck with it at all.
the travelling cretin never assimilates information.
the travelling cretin never really interacts with his surroundings.
the travelling cretin works to make the world monotonous by imposing his fratboy sensibility on everything.
there is a way in which the travelling cretin never travels at all.
interactions usually follow this pattern:
t.c. encounters a situation he does not understand.
this is strange.
this is big.
i dont get it.
laugh at it.
so you have:
poverty in india...
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
political questions in the states...
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
let's think about this model in particular now.
in this thread, there are many posts that try to articulate, with varying degrees of success, what is at stake for folk who are considering leaving the country.
there is information presented----over and over----that falsifies every element in the "understanding" you see above for why people might consider leaving
here is an outline of the interaction with this information that you see embedded in the above:
this is strange.
this is big.
i dont get it.
better to distort what is going on.
then laugh at it.
ha ha ha ha ha ha.